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> Help > Reports
Expresso Ticketing offers a variety of list, summary and custom reports.
Reports are based on the data included in the current set of records. To create custom lists or summaries you will need to do an Advanced Search before running the report. See Patrons, Sales, or SeatHolds Advanced Search for more information on creating custom queries.
Below is a listing of list and summary reports offered within each module.
Main Screen > Events > Lists
- Events – displays Event Info, EventType, and Attendance of all events.
- Patrons – displays PatronName, Home Phone and SeatInfo for all Patrons attending the selected event sorted by Patron’s last name.
- Seats – displays PatronName, Home Phone and SeatInfo for all Patrons attending the selected event sorted by seats.
- Available Seats – displays Section, Row and Seat info of all available seats
- Sold Seats – displays Section, Row and Seat info of all sold seats
- SeatHolds - displays Section, Row and Seat info of all held seats
Main Screen > Events> Summary
- Sales – includes a total of all Ticket, Transaction, PayTypes and TaxTypes for all Sales transactions made to the selected event.
- Refunds\Exchanges - includes a total of all Ticket, Transaction, PayTypes and TaxTypes for all Refund\Exchange transactions made to the selected event.
- Totals – includes a total of all Ticket, Transaction, PayTypes and TaxTypes for both Sales and Refund\Exchange transactions made to the selected event.
Main Screen > Patrons > Lists
- Address – displays PatronName, PatronNo and mailing info of all Patrons.
- Phone\Email – displays PatronName, Home Phone, Work Phone and Email of all Patrons.
Main Screen > Sales > Lists
- TransactionTypes – displays TransactionTypes, SalesTypes, Ticket and Fees totals for each transaction.
- TicketTypes – displays TicketTypes, Event Name and Seat info of each ticket.
- PayTypes – displays PayTypes, CardHolder info and Amount of each payment.
- BalanceDue – displays BalanceDue, PatronName, PatronNo and Payment total of each transaction that has an outstanding balance.
- AccountNo – displays AccountNo, SalesTypes, Ticket and Fee totals for each transaction.
- WorkStation – displays WorkStation, SalesTypes, Ticket and Fee totals for each transaction.
- UserAccount – displays UserAccount, SalesTypes, Ticket and Fee totals for each transaction.
- Address – displays PatronName, PatronNo and mailing info for each transaction.
- Phone\Email – displays PatronName, Home Phone, Work Phone and Email for each transaction.
Main Screen > Sales > Summary
- TransactionTypes – includes Tickets, PayTypes, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TransactionType.
- TicketTypes – includes Tickets, Quantity, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TicketType.
- PayTypes – includes Payments, Quantity and Fee totals for each PayType.
- AccountNo – includes TransactionType, Tickets, PayTypes, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each AccountNo.
- TransactionTypes – includes Tickets, PayTypes, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TransactionType grouped by Workstation.
- TicketTypes – includes Tickets, Quantity, PayTypes, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TicketType grouped by Workstation.
- PayTypes – includes Payments, Quantity and Fee totals for each PayType grouped by Workstation.
- TransactionTypes – includes Tickets, PayTypes, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TransactionType grouped by UserAccount.
- TicketTypes – includes Tickets, Quantity, PayTypes, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TicketType grouped by UserAccount.
- PayTypes – includes Payments, Quantity and Fee totals for each PayType grouped by UserAccount.
Main Screen > Sales > Invoice
- Invoice – creates an invoice displaying Company, Patron and Sales info along with a breakdown of Fees, Taxes and Balance Due for each Transaction.
Main Screen > SeatHolds > Lists
- TransactionTypes – displays TransactionTypes, SalesTypes, Ticket and Fees totals for each SeatHold.
- TicketTypes – displays TicketTypes, Event Name and Seat info of each ticket.
- AccountNo – displays AccountNo, SalesTypes, Ticket and Fee totals for each SeatHold.
- WorkStation – displays WorkStation, SalesTypes, Ticket and Fee totals for each SeatHold.
- UserAccount – displays UserAccount, SalesTypes, Ticket and Fee totals for each SeatHold.
- Address – displays PatronName, PatronNo and mailing info for each SeatHold.
- Phone\Email – displays PatronName, Home Phone, Work Phone and Email for each SeatHold.
Main Screen > SeatHolds > Summary
- TransactionTypes – includes Tickets, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TransactionType.
- TicketTypes – includes Tickets, Quantity, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TicketType.
- AccountNo – includes TransactionType, Tickets, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each AccountNo.
- TransactionTypes – includes Tickets, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TransactionType grouped by Workstation.
- TicketTypes – includes Tickets, Quantity, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TicketType grouped by Workstation.
- TransactionTypes – includes Tickets, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TransactionType grouped by UserAccount.
- TicketTypes – includes Tickets, Quantity, TaxTypes and Fee totals for each TicketType grouped by UserAccount.
Main Screen > SeatHolds > Invoice
- Invoice – creates an invoice displaying Company, Patron and Sales info along with a breakdown of Fees, Taxes and Balance Due for each Transaction.